Monday, April 20, 2009

Raw Birthday Cake

Yes you can have a yummy layer cake with lots of frosting
EVEN IF YOU'RE RAW :) If you have a dehydrator, the basic recipe for the "cake" is 1 part raw pumpkin seeds (Turn the seeds into a meal before adding other ingredients. Feel free to experiment with whatever nuts or seeds you like), 1/2 part irish moss gel, and 1 part soaked dried fruit, blended in a food processor. Sweeten with agave, add about a teaspoon of cinnamon, and whatever other flavors you like (ie. vanilla or lemon extract - find all natural, fair trade sources. These taste the best.)

I made a birthday cake for Brittney at Lifefood Gourmet. The whole crew shared the little cake, and it was plenty for all of us. A raw cake is very nutritious and thus, very filling!

raw birthday cake

Form discs in whatever diameter you like and about an inch high. The cake I made was about 4 inches in diameter and like I said, it was plenty for 5 adults. Dehydrate for about 24 hours at 110 degrees. Flip each cake once during dehydration so that each cake is firm and chewy all the way through.

Once the "cake" is done, you can frost it with whatever you like. A quick frosting can easily be made with avocado blended with irish moss gel (optional), coconut oil, sweetened with agave, and flavored with raw cacao and vanilla, or lime (which makes sense with the green color). Fruit makes a beautiful and delicious garnish.

The frosting I used was the vanilla cream from Lifefood, which is absolutely delicious. You can get this recipe and many yummy others from the Lifefood Gourmet eBook. The fruit on top is farm fresh mulberries and blueberries. Use whatever you love!


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