Saturday, June 6, 2009

No Time for Pessimism

Just watched the movie Home by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Such a beautiful film with a vitally important message. You can watch the full film at YouTube until June 14th. Visit the channel:

As a people, we live under a shroud of fear. The shroud was created long ago and it's based on a myth.

The myth is scarcity.

The myth started as a means of keeping the masses under control. The negativity of a lie is impossible to harness indefinitely, and eventually it came to envelop everyone, even those who created it.

So what do we do now?

Consider our lives lived in quicksand. The more you struggle, the faster you sink. Calm down and look around you. What can you grab onto to pull yourself out?

What organizations are already in place to help slow and reverse the destruction of our home?

Calm down. Look around you. Grab onto that branch or rocky protrusion that you maybe didn't notice before in your frenzied state and slowly, carefully, pull yourself out of this muck.

You can do it.

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