Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Financial Crisis

Hello everyone.

I'm sure you are fully experiencing the financial crisis in whatever way it must manifest for you. Some of us have some hard evidence of the change in our economic climate. Maybe some of us are not fully experiencing any hardships out of the ordinary, but you or someone you know is fully invested in complaining about the situation. Yes, this is scary. It seems the tendency is to ask "what can I do to have more for myself and my family?"

I simply want to point out that that is exactly the thinking that got us here. As impossible as it seems, maybe we should take a different approach. Try to think about what you can do for others. This is the perfect time to challenge yourself and to powerfully say to the Universe "There is more than enough for everyone. See! I have plenty to give." It may be as simple as giving the beggar you often see at the train station that dollar you always tell yourself he doesn't deserve. Or it may be something bigger, like donating your time to a charity.

If you live in a world where people think about what they can do for each other, it is certain that someone will be wondering what they can do for you. Live in this world through your actions and you will see.

Think about what you have to offer. If you don't know, consider what you'd like to improve in your life, but instead of holding that desire inward, turn it outward. Begin to wish that everyone has this same thing that you desire, and create ways to deliver it to as many as you can. This is actually exactly how I chose the path of raw food chef. I wanted better health for myself. I felt I desperately needed it, but it was only when I turned the desire outward and began to sincerely wish it for everyone around me and the world did I start down the path of this new fulfilling (absolutely delicious) lifestyle. It's the best thing I ever did!

So please, choose a different path for these tough economic times. Do something out of the ordinary, and become EXTRAORDINARY!

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