Tuesday, March 3, 2009

actually, i don't give a %$^& about the octo-mom

every time i see her, I look away. i don't know her name. i will not stare at her face long enough to consider whether or not she looks like a.j. but i do really wonder... why would a woman have 8 babies all at once? if every human life is here as a continuation of a previous life/lives, why do 8 need to occur at the very exact moment through the very exact portal?

is this an example of advanced technology? or are these souls who had to come back and right their past wrongs? maybe they knew each other... 8 monstrous terrorists or 8 benevolent doctors. they either had a great idea which the gods allowed to continue in brand new bodies or they're being punished and are doomed to repeat the same lifetime until they try something different.

what does it say about earth right now? is it a place where great ideas lead to creativity? or is earth the obstacle course where you have to prove yourself worthy of a break?

if nothing else, is the birth of the octuplets a hint that reincarnation is real? or is this really only important because of the shape of mommy's lips?

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