Very good video from the march against the G20 in London on 3/28/09. (see SOVIET films)
[The G-20 (more formally, the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors) is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies: 19 of the world's largest national economies, plus the European Union (EU)... Collectively, the G-20 economies comprise 85% of global gross national product, 80% of world trade (including EU intra-trade) and two-thirds of the world population... read more at wikipedia]
Strike fear into the rich...
The demonstrations continued into yesterday, when protesters stormed the Royal Bank of Scotland in London. One protester died. Many more were arrested. You won't see an overwhelming amount of press over this event. The number of protesters was stated to be around 5,000 by the BBC, but there is reason to believe that the number was much greater.
The march was largely the brainchild of Chris Knight, a self-described anarchist and an anthropologist at the University of East London, who has been the galvanizing public voice of a loose umbrella group of radical environmentalists, academics and left-wing activists known as the G20 Meltdown that spearheaded the protests... Read full article at the NYTimes
The top is blowing off the pressure cooker. Are you saying "what the $%#&" yet?
Obscene payouts to AIG, Wall Street and banking officials have resulted in violence in the United States and elsewhere too and this will grow until all of those responsible are stripped of their ill-gotten gains, go to jail or both... (Diane Francis, Huffington Post)
The economic crisis is global (which includes the USA as hard as that is for some to believe), and as tensions rise we will see more and more protests in any and all cities of the world. Is our government preparing for these types of protests in the U.S. by establishing an active unit here (as of Oct. 1st, see video). There's also the promised withdrawl from Iraq by December 2011? What will these troops be called to do when they get home? The estimated number of troops in Iraq is about 142,000 as of February 2009.
We need to do something, and violence is not the only answer. I'm going to speak openly about how it just doesn't make sense to me that wealth can be privately owned, as capitalism suggests it should be. I will speak of local, organic produce that I do not buy from a "rich get richer" enterprise like Walmart or Publix (for all of us in the Southeast USA). I will speak of how to maintain a healthy body with fresh whole, raw, and vegan foods that do not destroy our bodies or the planet. I will not drown out the warnings from my body with pharmaceuticals or drop napalm on my organs in the form of antibiotics while private companies collect profits. The list can go on and on.
What will you do?
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